September 22, 2010

A good day in the neighborhood

So today is starting off good, albeit early.  It is Wednesday and we have nothing going on until after school.  Josey has a dentist appt. and then we will have dinner with some friends who are watching the littles for me while Josey is at the dentist.

I am still trying to get a handle on, or feel like I even understand, Brady's SPD(sensory processing disorder).  It is a daily struggle to try to stay a step ahead of him and what he may need.  Or to just curb any meltdowns or problems before they happen.  So the occupational therapist thought that perhaps Brady could benefit from this technique called "brushing" or the Wilbarger Protocol.   Basically I have a surgical scrub brush, which has very soft flexible bristles, and am to use that to apply deep pressure on his arms, back and legs.  Then to do joint compressions for counts of ten.  After that we do "heavy play".  This is anything from wheelbarrows, push-ups(on wall or with me) or pushing totes or laundry baskets with some heavier contents around.  He will also push his "brushing stool" around or take books from one place to another.  There are various things we can do for the heavy play.  We have started this therapy. It is recommended that it be done every 2 hours for about 2-3 weeks.  After that the frequency can decrease to a few times a day with definite use before an activity that may be difficult for him to get through.  He seems to like it so far, was doing it to himself not long after our first time this morning, so we shall see how things go.

Josey is at school and the littles are doing their thing.  I am going to get some breakfast and then fold some clothes I think.  you stuff like that.

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