April 8, 2010


One of the things we are working with Brady on is being more aware of his mouth and lips and tongue.  His ST blows bubbles with him and touchs his mouth with them.  Through these bubbles she explained she is also working on sensory issues as well as his verbal development.  He also started hitting his chest and saying "me" when he wanted a turn with the bubble wand and blowing bubbles.  Bubbles have been a good thing here. 

We have a bubble blower.  I like to set it up and start it blowing bubbles outside for the kids to chase and also when they are playing on the back porch sometimes too. 

Yesterday Brady got up and gestured to the back porch and said, "bubble".  oh.my.goodness.  I about fell over.  I excitedly repeated "bubble" to him and commended him for "good talking".  I got the bubble blower and brought it inside to blow bubbles for him.  Unfortunately the bubble blower had passed away sometime in the night.  I will be buying a new one.  If he wants bubbles and will ask me for bubbles....dude we will get him bubbles.  :)

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