March 12, 2010

Farts, Poots and nl-o

so first of all...this is about all the kids not just the B-man so I am trying to remember that. :)

Josey is ALL about body parts and functions these days and it is making me insane. literally, completely and totally insane. She is right now chasing her brother and sister down the hall calling herself "Naked the Clown". I shit you not.

She farts, and they are farts(trust me) and laughs. Literally laughs and then most times will sheepishly grin and say " 'scuse me". yeah...I am not sure it still counts if you laugh after you rip one off. She talks about poop. She scratches her butt. She belches like there is no tomorrow as well. Brady and Lucey think she is hi-larious. I think she is a 35 yo hairy man in a wife beater hidden in a precious little 5 yo body.

Lucey is all about the "toots" and "poots" too. Hers however is an obsession I will take since this can only lead to good potty places as she becomes more aware of herself. She tells me when she toots and poots(poop). and will wrinkle her little nose up at it.

So Brady worked with L yesterday. We got a little bucket with a lid and some flash cards to work with. We have him identify the item, mostly by choosing it right now, and then he gets to put it into the bucket through a little slot on the lid. this is awesome fun for him and for Lucey. Josey even gets into it as well.

He said a few things during his session too. She wrote them down for us....words he said or that she caught him trying to say while holding an appropriate picture up were:
I listed the word and then the sound he makes when he tried to say it. I will make a list of words he uses here soon to add to this. She pointed out that we need to encourage the vocalisations regardless of how they sound. I am working on making sure I don't correct him but guide him and just continue to label the hell out of things. We are also working on the functions of things with these cards.

I was sitting with him and Lucey looking at books and Lucey pointed out "Mel-mo", Elmo, and B immediately looked and said "nl-o" which was his two syllable sound for Elmo. Seriously...I was thrilled. It truly is the little things.

Another goal we have, besides his speech, is that he will understand language and start following 2 step directions. Also showing understanding of concepts such as one, one more, all, big and little. Those types of things.

ok...going to go get dinner heated up. the natives are hungry and need to be fed.


  1. Josey and Lucey must crack you up continuously! And I'm so proud of Brady! Sounds like he's doing awesome! Take what you can get and build on it! And I might just have to steal the flash card game. ;)

  2. They totally crack me/us up all the time. I am going to post a video sometime today of us playing the flash card can totally steal it! yours may be even easier with just you and Jesse playing! lol I have two little girls who like to prove their "smarts" to us too. especially Lucey. :)
